Lillian Creek

Mine, Inactive

Commodities and mineralogy

Main commodities Au
Other commodities Cr; Hg; Sb; W
Ore minerals gold; chromite; cinnabar; gold; scheelite; stibnite

Geographic location

Quadrangle map, 1:250,000-scale LG
Quadrangle map, 1:63,360-scale C-4
Latitude 65.511
Longitude -148.553
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Location and accuracy Cobb (1972, MF-413), loc. 66; sec. 22, T. 8 N., R. 5 W., of the Fairbanks Meridian. Placer mining extended for about a mile from the head to the mouth of Lillian Creek, a tributary of Livengood Creek. Lillian Creek drains the west side of Money Knob, just north of Livengood. The coordinates given are for the center of placer mined ground.

Geologic setting

Geologic description

Gold occurs in all the gravels and the top foot of bedrock in both bench and stream placers (Mertie, 1918). Placers were being worked from 4 to 30 feet deep, with most of the gold in low benches. Gold is angular and coarse. Concentrates contain gold, magnetite, ilmenite, picotite, limonite, cinnabar, scheelite, zircon, pyrite, stibnite, and barite (Mertie, 1918). The bedrock surface is very irregular and pitches steeply down the creek (Overbeck, 1920). Mining began in 1915 and was being carried on as recently as 1988 (Cobb, 1976; OFR 76-633, p. 111; Green and others, 1989).
Geologic map unit (-148.555507614193, 65.510564978592)
Mineral deposit model Placer gold deposit (Cox and Singer, 1986; model 39a).
Mineral deposit model number 39a

Production and reserves

Workings or exploration Mining began in 1915 and was being carried on as recently as 1988 (Cobb, 1976; OFR 76-633, p. 111; Green and others, 1989).
Indication of production Yes; small
Production notes Mining occurred from 1915 to 1988, but there is no record of the amount of production.


MRDS Number A015484; D002624


Malone, Kevin, 1965, Mercury in Alaska, in Mercury potential of the United States: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8252, p. 31-59.
Smith, S.S., 1917, The mining industry in the territory of Alaska during the calendar year 1916: U.S. Bureau of Mines Bulletin 153, 89 p.
Reporters C.J. Freeman, J.R. Guidetti Schaefer (Avalon Development Corporation)
Last report date 5/4/1999