Field | Value |
Unique Sample ID Number | CCX520 |
Analytical Job Number | 11091 |
Submitter Name | Johnson, Bruce R. |
Date Submitted | 19780713 |
Field Number | 78K061 |
State | AK |
Latitude | 57.66444 |
Longitude | -136.16638 |
Source of Sample | float |
Collection Method | single/grab |
Primary Classification | rock |
Secondary Classification | unspecified |
Additional Attributes and Comments | Hanlon prospect, collected by USBM; |
(click for info) | |
Geologic map unit | -136.16638, 57.66444 |
Nearby scientific data | Find additional scientific data near this location |
Element | Measured value | Units of measure | Analytical method |
Beryllium | N1 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Boron | 15 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Magnesium | 0.1 | percent by weight | E-Spec |
Calcium | 0.05 | percent by weight | E-Spec |
Scandium | N5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Titanium | 0.015 | percent by weight | E-Spec |
Vanadium | 10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Chromium | L10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Manganese | 30 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Iron | 0.3 | percent by weight | E-Spec |
Cobalt | N5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Nickel | 5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Copper | L5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
L5 | ppm by weight | AA (partial) | |
Zinc | N200 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
5 | ppm by weight | AA (partial) | |
Arsenic | 1000 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Strontium | N100 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Yttrium | N10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Zirconium | N10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Niobium | N20 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Molybdenum | N5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Silver | N0.5 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Cadmium | N20 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Tin | N10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Antimony | N100 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Barium | 100 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Lanthanum | N20 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Tungsten | L50 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
Gold | N10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
0.1 | ppm by weight | AA (partial) | |
Lead | 10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |
20 | ppm by weight | AA (partial) | |
Bismuth | N10 | ppm by weight | E-Spec |